Monday, July 25, 2011

The Road to Roller Derby

I considered trying roller derby a few years ago, but my non-agressive personality and the fact I bruise like a peach made me abandon the thought. Fast forward to a couple months ago when I met my friend, Gabrielle, who mentioned she was interested in having a go at derby. (Her sister also happens to play for the Terminal City Roller Girls).
So I put my reservations aside and saved up to purchase a "Raw Meat Package" consisting of a helmet, mouth guard, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, and of course: derby skates.

Ooh! Pretty!

This past Friday we had our first "practice", which was basically trying to stay upright and get used to skating again (it's been ages for both of us) and managing to make a few laps around the lacrosse box without bailing. We skated for about an hour before it got too dark. A successful first time out! ^_^

This week: Derby Drills care of Gabrielle's sister. They sound intense. Wish me luck!

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Umbrella: A Deadly Weapon

Ever wish you could use your umbrella to fend off Rapscallions and Ruffians? I did. So last weekend I took the Umbrella Self-Defense workshop at Academie Duello with my friend Stacey. We learned art of self-defense with an umbrella, based on the Bartitsu system developed in turn of the century Victorian England. Some techniques were the same ones taught to Suffragettes to defend themselves during violent protests. The workshop was a lot of fun and really informative. I'm quite certain I could now ward off a Ne'er-do-well if need be. I'm hoping to take the Intro to Bartisu workshop next - it's important for a lady to know how to fight like a gentleman.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Baby, It's Cold Outside.

It's the end of February, -8°C, and snowing?! It's unseasonably frosty for Vancouver so after running errands in the cold all morning, I'm curling up by the fire with my new favourite tea: Harney & Sons Paris. It's a "blend reminiscent of one of the most popular blends in Paris. It is a fruity black tea with vanilla and caramel flavors, and a hint of lemony Bergamot." Fragrant, delicious, and perfect for a snowy Saturday afternoon at home.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oh, right... I have a blog

Well, It's been a while. Do I have an excuse? Not really. I kinda forgot I started this thing until Cassandra kindly reminded me in a tweet: "You have a blog. Can you blog some more?" So here I am blogging some more. To catch you up, I was quite busy with freelance work this past Autumn, then it was Christmas, and now it's 2011. What's the new year been like so far, you ask? Well it's been pretty rad. I met Crispin Glover (McFly!) and I turned 30. (gasp!)
This year is going to be my year. I can feel it. Or maybe I'm just in a good mood tonight. I dunno.

He is my density.